1. Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon 4/25 – Wrap Up!

    April 26, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Books, Geek Events by Kristina Horner

    I participated in Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon yesterday, April 25th. I cheated a little, starting Friday night, but I had the evening to myself so I wanted to get reading early. Technically I was supposed to start at 5am my time, but I started around 7pm the night before because I knew I’d be sleeping through many of the pivotal reading hours.

    Basically I just made my personal 24 hours of reading a little more convenient to keeping a regular sleeping schedule.

    My goal for the readathon, as I stated in a previous blog post, included a stack of a two books I was halfway through and a couple graphic novels I’d been meaning to read. As I got closer to the actual event, I revised my goal to include one more short novel and to read at least 500 pages over the course of the day.

    Here’s how I did:

    Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson: I read the 275 pages I had left. 5 hours.
    Saga Vol. 3 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples: I read all 144 pages. 1 hour.
    Sex Criminals Vol. 2 by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky: I read all 128 pages. 1 hour.
    Doll Bones by Holly Black: I read 133 pages, making it about halfway. 2.5 hours.

    Total pages read: 680 pages
    Total books completed: 3 books
    Total hours read: 9.5 hours

    I didn’t do quite as well as I was hoping, but I had a fantastic time and I knocked a few books off my TBR, which really was the ultimate goal. I still haven’t finished Sorcerer’s Stone and now I’m always halfway through Doll Bones as well, but.. I’ll finish those soon. I’m looking forward to getting really serious about my TBR after this, because I have to start whittling it down. I have to.

    I believe the next readathon I’ll be doing is Bout of Books, and I am very much looking forward to it. I might also host a readathon this summer for my book club, if anyone is interested. Happy reading!

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  2. Embarrassing Book Haul

    April 25, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Books, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    Ugh, I said I wasn’t going to buy any more books for awhile, but then this happened.

    I swear, my book fast starts now. Pinky swear.


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  3. Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon!

    April 23, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Books, Geek Events by Kristina Horner

    I’ve been craving a readathon lately, and luckily – there’s one this Saturday! If you haven’t heard of Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon, I highly encourage you to go check it out. It’s fun and relatively low commitment, since it’s only 24 hours. Here’s my TBR:

    deweys 24 hour readathon tbr book pile

    I realize this is incredibly ambitious for a 24 hour period, but I am about halfway through both Since You’ve Been Gone and Sorcerer’s Stone already. I hope to finish each of those books, and get through two graphic novels I’ve been sitting on for awhile. It’ll be tough, but I’m gonna try!

    Are you taking part in the readathon? If so, what books are you hoping to read? Leave a comment, let me know, and join me on twitter this Saturday! I’ll be tweeting about my progress when my nose isn’t in these books. So excited!

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  4. March Wrap Up / April TBR!

    April 7, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Books, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    Hello lovely blog readers! This is my reading wrap up for the month of March. I read mostly audiobooks and ebooks this month, but there are a few physical books in there. It was a busy month with cosplay construction also going on, but I still managed to read 7 different things!

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  5. Emerald City Comic Con – Vlog!

    March 31, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Conventions, Cosplay, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    This past weekend was Emerald City Comic Con and I had the most amazing time – and, to everybody’s surprise, I also managed to film a video while I was there! I am historically terrible at remembering to film at conventions, so I am quite proud of this feat.

    This con has grown to be my favorite one of the year, and between the cosplay, the time with friends, and the incredible art/comic books I walked away with (I am such a sucker for artist’s alley) all I can say is how thankful I am that I get to start convention season this way, year after year.

    If I got to meet or talk to you at the con, it was wonderful to do so! I hope to meet many more of you at the other conventions I will be attending in 2015. If you want to see a full list of where I will be, you can do so here.

    I was so pleased with my cosplays and will be posting photos of those as soon as I get them back. Be sure to be following my Facebook and Instagram accounts for the most current news on my costumes.

    Life has been fun lately. Not to say that it isn’t fun the rest of the time, but I made some big life changes recently and I’m really enjoying it. Between my new job, to really diving into cosplay, to turning my YouTube channel into a book channel, I’m very happy with how I’ve chosen to spend my time lately. I hope you’ve been enjoying what I’ve been creating as well. <3

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  6. March Book Haul!

    March 21, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Books, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    Hey guys! Here’s my March book haul!

    I’m super happy with the new books I’ve added to my collection, but I’ve also realized I need to take an active stance on not buying any MORE books until I’ve put a healthy dent in the ones I already own. What’s your TBR like? Excessive? Let me know in the comments!


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  7. Early 2015 Video Roundup

    March 9, 2015 ♥ Posted in: YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    Okay. I am determined to keep current with my videos on this blog, STARTING NOW. However, this was not the case for a few months there, and because of that, we missed a good chunk of videos I posted on YouTube. So! This post is going to be another good ‘ol fashioned roundup of the videos of note over the last 2 months.

    So, first – Joe and I buddy read Ready Player One, which was an amazing book that we both loved. Here is our joint review:

    Then I wrapped up all the books I read in January:

    It was feeling pretty book heavy up in here, so I took a little breather to talk about something extremely important for Valentine’s day… which is, of course, OTPs:

    Then I shared my favorites with you, for the month of February!

    I posted a number of other fun videos, including books hauls and unboxings, but to find those you can go check out my channel directly. Which of the types of videos that I make are your favorite? What do you look forward to the most? Let me know!


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  8. February Reading Wrap Up!

    March 8, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Books, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    Here are the books I completed in February! I read a total of 9 books, hitting 9 of the challenges in the Popsugar Reading Challenge.

    I am zooming ahead of schedule for reading 50 books this year, but I have a feeling that convention season is going to slow me down a bit — and that’s just around the corner!

    What are you reading right now? Have you read any of the books I talked about in this video?

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  9. Bout Of Books Readathon / Updates!

    January 8, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Books, Geek Events by Kristina Horner

    Okay I am a little late on actually making a blog post about this, but better late than never, right?

    I am participating in Bout Of Books! It’s a readathon that’s happening right now, as we speak – it started on Jan 5th and it goes all the way until Jan 11th. I thought this was the perfect way to kick off the new year and get a few books under my belt early since I am attempting to read 50 books this year.

    Here are the books I set out to read:


    These were/are my goals:

    • Read all three of these books
    • Don’t watch any Netflix

    Pretty simple, right? Here’s how I did:

    I read The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks on Monday and Tuesday, finishing Tuesday night. I also started Ready Player One on Tuesday night, which made me think this readathon was going to be a breeze. However! Wednesday and Thursday were bad reading nights for me… though I still managed to squeeze in a few pages on each of those nights. Not much. About 40 pages total across the two evenings.

    Friday I powered about 100 pages through, then I read 150 pages on Saturday and I finished up Ready Player One today (Sunday morning).

    That book was amazing, but intense. I ended up needing to take a little break (which turned into going for a 3 mile walk with Joe that included stopping for margaritas) and starting to play a game called Hatoful Boyfriend (which is a dating sim for pigeons and yes, it will be on Team Hypercube). After that I finally cracked open The Night Circus, but after the trip Ready Player One took me on, I just wasn’t totally ready to dive into another book.

    So, I’m about 30 pages into The Night Circus, nearly a book short of my goal – but happy. Because I also listened to about eight hours of All The Light We Cannot See over the course of the week, in my car. So really, I’m still leagues ahead on my reading challenge for the year, which is the important part.

    I’m excited for this year. I’m excited for all my new books, and how I finally feel like I’ve carved reading back into my life in a big way, and I don’t even feel like I’m “making time” anymore. I just have reading time, even if it means other things are back-burnered or put on hold.

    Oh – that reminds me. I also stuck to my goal of not watching any TV this week. It’s been 7 days since I watched anything on my television, on Netflix, etc. I’ve only watched a very small handful of YouTube videos, as well. I’m proud of myself.

    But now… I think I am going to reward myself with an episode of Gilmore Girls. Shhh.


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  10. Weird Reading Position Challenge!

    October 18, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Books, Geek Events by Kristina Horner

    Hello, lovely blog readers!

    Today’s blog post is going to be a little bit different, because I am actually hosting a challenge for Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon! To find out more about this read-a-thon, check out their website and consider joining in! Because – good news! It’s only currently Hour 3 of this 24 hour event, so you’ve got plenty of time to grab a book and dive right in.

    For those of you specifically here for the challenge, here it is:

    Take a picture of yourself in the weirdest reading position you can think of.

    Whether that’s standing on your head, hanging upside down off your bed, or with seventeen things stacked on top of you — I wanna see pictures! Here’s mine, if you need some inspiration:

    photo (1)

    Leave a comment on this blog post with your photo entry as well as your twitter username so I can contact you directly if you win.

    And of course, it wouldn’t be a proper challenge without a prize, would it? The winner of this challenge may choose a prize from this site! I’ll be announcing the winner on my blog later today, so check back to see if you’ve won!

    If you’re participating in the read-a-thon, good luck! And if not… what are you doing?! Grab a book!

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