1. I’m Not Writing a Blog Post Today

    March 5, 2018 ♥ Posted in: Journal by Kristina Horner

    I’ve had “write a blog post” on my to-do list for a couple weeks now, and I keep pushing it off because I’m just so exhausted.

    “But you should do a life update!” I tell myself earnestly, amidst the messy bedroom I haven’t had time to tidy, the work project I’m completely heads down on, the wedding tasks that are piling up, the seemingly endless stream of appointments and engagements and wedding crafting sessions and, like, that one night I got to see Hamilton. I scream it into the void, “the world would love a life update!” but it echoes off the stacks of dishes I haven’t done, the laundry that sat waiting to be folded for two entire weeks, the twenty new emails I got just since I left work an hour ago.

    (Hamilton was great by the way).

    The truth is, I am barely keeping my head above water.

    I’m not saying this to gain any sort of pity, or prove how much hustle I have by wearing my stress on my sleeve, or anything like that. It’s just true. It’s just why I’m ‘absent’ online. It’s just that I don’t have time to blog. Why it takes me over a week to reply to most emails in my personal inbox. Because I don’t even have time to pick up the pile of various random things on my floor that I’ve stepped over every day for an entire month, let alone find ways to make my life sound interesting and cool in a trendy blog way.

    This is the place I’m at in life right now! I’m busy! That’s the thing I can yell from the rooftops — I’m 2 months away from my wedding! I said yes to owning a project that was maybe a little bit too big for me right now at work but I am super committed to blowing everyone away anyway! I have to work late some days because I want to! And except for how stressful wedding guest lists are, the guilt associated with asking everyone you know to help, I actually like the wedding planning process. I like finding unique ways to express my relationship in party form. I like finding little ways to delight our guests. I like fabric swatches and schedule planning and decorating. I like planning a fantasy honeymoon for the magical ~other side~ of this process.

    I’m doing a LOT right now and I am really over letting myself feel guilty for not ALSO doing things that are arbitrarily self-imposed, like blogging or making videos or any other things I just do because have made a habit of doing so. I’m the boss. And the boss says it’s okay to not do it. The boss says it’s okay to be a girl who’s spending most of her time on her wedding, because she wants to. It’s okay to be a girl who’s putting in extra hours at work. It’s okay to have a messy house because you have other priorities right now and it won’t always be like this.

    I am in charge of a massive project at work that’s a huge stretch from my regular responsibilities — and that’s an awesome opportunity to learn and grow. I’m under 60 days away from my wedding day and insisting on making it special and awesome in a dozen ways that all take a ton of time and planning — but will be so worth it. My friends all seemed to turn 30 in the same year and I believe everyone deserves to celebrate their special days in special ways, and I’m so glad I’ve been there for them. There are bridal showers, and bachelorette parties, and wine-tastings, and hours and hours and hours poured into the process of telling the world, “hey world, I love this person.” But I wouldn’t do those things if I wasn’t so excited to share that love with my friends and family.

    Plus it’s tax season. That part just sucks, but not everything can be sunshine and rainbows.

    My social media accounts are barren. I haven’t made any new cosplays. I’m still writing but only in the cracks of time between everything else, and usually when I find a rare, blissful, beautiful spare moment, it’s all I can do to just fall in bed and watch some TV so I can recharge a little bit. Sometimes I just cry, because it’s all so much.

    But I’m doing awesome stuff.

    And I can blog about it when it’s over.

    Until then, I’m just going to try my best to get 7.5 hours of sleep each night.

    So you know what, to-do list? Screw you. I’m not writing a blog post today. I’ve got enough going on right now without your bulleted-list of judgment.

    *Crosses “write a blog post” off to-do list*

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