I’m Back! December Update.

December 3, 2013 ♥ Posted in: Journal, Writing by Kristina Horner


It has been quite the month. I apologize for taking so much time off of this blog – I really, truly enjoy updating it nearly every day, but that last stretch of NaNoWriMo just made it really difficult to do anything else, not to mention another writing intensive project. But! I made it through victorious, yet again. 2013-Winner-Facebook-Cover

I’ve been working diligently on on editing my “film myself every day of November to show the craziness unfold” video project, and it should be going up on my YouTube channel tomorrow. If you’ve ever wanted to see a first hand account of what true insanity looks like, you’ll probably enjoy this video.

In other news, I am SO EXCITED about Christmas stuff. My roommates and I are decorating our tree tomorrow night, and then I have my first holiday party on Thursday (with many more to come). There will definitely be ample blog posts about everything I have coming up in the following weeks. It’s been all sweaters and pine scented candles at my house lately, and we’re just getting started.

I’ve just been in such a good mood lately. Not only was Frozen amazing (Eia and I cannot stop dancing around the house to the soundtrack) but I finished my eighth NaNoWriMo novel and we’re entering the month of parties, parties, and more parties. Also I turn 26 this month. But we’ll get to that later when I have decided whether I’m excited or depressed.

Please, give me updates on your NaNo experience this month, if you took part in the marathon. Or tell me what you’re most looking forward to for the holiday season. Or what you want for Christmas! I’m having a hell of a time figuring out what I want this year.

Here’s hoping it snows soon. I love the first snow.



Ela says:

Horray for NaNo! I managed to push through and write the last 30k during the last week and I’m still not done bragging about how proud of it I am 😉

JONvincible says:

Ahhh I loved Frozen too! Did you see it in 3D? I’ve seen it twice now, but not in 3D. That opening Mickey Mouse short just screams 3D, and I felt like I missed out in that department on both viewings. Also, I too can’t stop listening to that soundtrack! I love the harmonies in “Love Is An Open Door”, but it’s hard to deny the epic epicness that is Idina Menzel’s “Let It Go”.

Man I love ALL the songs. And yeah, DEFINITELY try to see it in 3D if you can… there’s this part where an ice pick literally comes through the screen… it’s amazing.

Cassidy says:

Frozen was amazing! I’ve been laughing at some lines for a week now. For Christmas, I am really hoping for a computer of any kind. One of the reasons I didn’t complete NaNoWriMo was because I only had my phone to write. I love writting, and that would make it so much easier!

Rah says:

Congratulations on NaNoWriMo! I did NaNo for the first time this year, and won so i’m thrilled about it. Happy December!

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