Life Update: July 2015

July 4, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Journal by Kristina Horner

Despite having a full time job right now, I’ve spent much of the last month out of town. First I spent 1 week in NYC for BEA (a personal trip) and then another week in LA for E3 (work). And of course, a natural side effect of this is watching everything I’m doing online just sort of dissolve around my feet while I’m traveling. I used to be so good at it, guys. I used to be so good at filming everything, blogging on the go, tweeting my adventures nonstop – but now that I’m a little older (I think it has to do with being older? maybe not), I really appreciate that personal time and it’s so nice to just… detach a little bit.

But now, I am making an active effort to jumpstart everything back up for summer. It’s interesting though – when I’m busy, when I’m really aware of how much time I have to accomplish my personal hobbies and goals… two things happen.

1. I usually tend to get MORE done. There’s no time to lie around trying to figure out what to do. When you have 1 hour in the morning before work and something like five hours when you get home (not including nights when you have plans), that time gets used to its absolute best ability.

2. When there isn’t enough time to do everything, it really becomes clear which of those things are the most important and which can be put on the back burner. This is another thing I am trying to keep track of.

So what does this mean? I’m not really sure yet! I will be blogging and making videos all summer, but I am going to try to cut down to only the content I really want to make. I’ll also be making some costumes, reading, hosting a reading event or two, and maybe doing a live show here and there.

I’ll also be spending a lot of time outside. I want to spend at least 2-3 days a week at the lake I live by. I want to do less talking about reading and more actual reading (though I’ve already read 43 books this year so this clearly isn’t my biggest issue). I want to spend more time working on my writing. Going on more walks. More runs. I want to clean out my room and downsize my belongings. I want to make some clothes. Go camping. Dye my hair.

In immediate life news, I bought a new car. This was my first major adult purchase and it’s still a little scary, but I got a great deal on it, and it’s so cute.


It’s a Mini Cooper Countryman in “brilliant copper”, though the salesman really sold me on it when he called the color “root beer”. Also there’s this hidden mickey on the dash:

Hidden mickey on the dash of the mini cooper

I’ll be at VidCon, PAX Prime and Faerieworlds this summer. There might be a few other events that pop up but those are the big ones, and I am so, so excited for all of them.

It’s interesting – I’m doing entirely too much every day (like usual) but I’ve also been trying to slow down, read, spend time outdoors and relax lately. Nothing like scheduling in that relaxation time, but I’m trying to get better.

What are you trying to focus on this summer? I’d love to hear about it.

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TierraT says:

It´s wonderful how you´re still making videos and everything even though you´re working! I watched Steam Summer Sale Haul today and I generally love watching your videos because they´re always so positive and enthusiastic.
My summer will mostly be spent studying, but that´s fine because I enjoy it (and if not I try to find some way to make it interesting).

Kristin says:

Your new car is adorable!! Congratulations!! I totally get what you mean about not being as connected online. I used to read every single tweet in my timeline no matter how many hours it took and now there will be weeks where I don’t even look at Twitter for 10 minutes. I think there’s something more enjoyable about being present in real life even though I end up feeling like I’m missing out on something once I do finally log back online.

Christa says:

Love your new car!

Have you played Adventure Time Card Wars on your ipad yet? I
think you will love it. I’m addicted. 🙂

Christine says:

The Mini is too cute. I totally understand being a little scared when you make such a BIG purchase but being a “grown up” isn’t all that bad. 😉 Enjoy!

Stefanie says:

I’m a big fan of your content, be it video’s or blogposts, yet I’m really happy that you’re taking more time for yourself this summer. It was always a blast to keep up with you throughout all the events you went to, but I think that for you it might be more fun to be in the moment with all of your friends, and you shouldn’t feel bad about that at all! Neither should you feel pressured about making content. We all love you, but you don’t owe us anything. You live for you, not for us.

Anyway, good luck with the rest of booktubeathon!

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