I hadn’t realized it had been over a year since I last wrote a blog post, but here we are. A lot has changed since my last update!
Global pandemic, new job, and oh yeah… I had a baby.

This is Maximus, and he’s a month old today!
I’m feeling sort of too exhausted to actually write anything meaningful in this blog post (parenthood is wild, folks) but the point of posting at all was to share his birth story, which I spent the first couple of weeks postpartum working on in my fleeting moments of “spare time”. And of course to celebrate his 1 month birthday.
We’ve kept you alive a whole month, kid! That’s worth patting ourselves on the back about!
I’ve decided to try sharing my writing on Medium for the first time, so if you’re interested in hearing about the circumstances surrounding this kiddo’s birth, feel free to go check it out.
I’m still living in a state of constant amazement at how much this tiny person has flipped our lives upside down. Joe and I are both on parental leave right now, and good thing: it feels like we have time for absolutely nothing else! It’s a good thing Max is so adorable. It sure makes the fifteenth diaper change in a day a lot more manageable.
I’m sure I will be sharing a lot more about the rollercoaster that is motherhood in the coming weeks/months/years, but for now I just wanted to check in, make sure people know I’m still alive, share this cute picture of my son, and share the birth story. I’m already glad I wrote it down as details are starting to get fuzzy, and sometimes I genuinely don’t believe it all happened to me at all. Are you sure I didn’t just pick Max up from the baby store?
Hope everyone is doing well, staying sane in the pandemic, and getting ready for NaNoWriMo! It’s only 2 months away, folks!
Now I’m going to go take a nap.