August 12, 2013 ♥ Posted in: Fashion/Beauty, Geek Events, Outfit of the Day, Travel by Kristina Horner
While in LA last week, my friends and I attended “Disneyland Day” for VidCon – which is like any other normal day at Disneyland, except the park is swarming with YouTubers. Rather than donning my official gray VidCon tee like many others, my friends and I decided to Disneybound:

This was my very first time Disneybounding and I decided I wanted to go villain. I chose Cruella de Vil; mostly on account of finding these adorable polka dot shorts. The puppy earrings were actually just white dog earrings I found at Claire’s (by walking in and asking the girl working to “show me whatever dog stuff they had”) that I drew black spots on with a sharpie. I tucked in a slouchy red shirt, grabbed some other black and white accessories and wa-la! If it doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will!
I never got a full picture of all my friends and I in costume, but we had among us a Dumbo, Christopher Robin, Scuttle, The Queen of Hearts and Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle. I love dressing up, so getting to do so, subtly, on a normal day is something I am all about.
Who should I Disneybound as next? Or, if you’ve done it yourself, show me pictures in the comments section!
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Tags: 101 dalmations, cosplay, costume, cruella de ville, disney, disneybound, disneyland, vidcon, villains
July 24, 2013 ♥ Posted in: Fashion/Beauty, Geek Events, Outfit of the Day by Kristina Horner
Hello, and welcome to my first “Look” post! I’ll be posting “Outfit of the Day” entries anytime I wear something particularly fancy, when I’m at important events, or when I go to costume or themed parties. This first post falls into that third category. Last night, my friends and I had a “mustaches and miniskirts” party as a sort of going-away soiree for our friend Kayley. Both mustaches and miniskirts were required of everyone in attendance.

We had a bit of a tough time convincing one of the boys to don his miniskirt, but most people were pretty on board with the whole idea. Especially Gale. We couldn’t get him to take his off (though this may have had something to do with the fact that his stand is much wider than the skirt in question)!
Anyway, the mustache was obtained for free at the LeakyCon mustache world record event, the skirt was a thrift store find and the vest is Forever 21.
What’s the craziest themed party you’ve ever been to?
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Tags: costume, gale, miniskirt, mustache, outfit of the day, party, seattle