I was a little late on this, but here’s the video I put together about my trip to NYC for Book Expo America! I had a fantastic time, got to spend time with friends new and old, and came home with a sizable stack of ARCs I can’t wait to read. I absolutely adored this event and I can’t wait to go again next year!
I’ve been so busy with BEA and BookCon I completely forgot to post some of my new videos over here on my blog! I promise not to neglect you again. I can change.
This is my May Book haul. It’s a little deceiving, since I filmed this BEFORE I went to NYC and packed a suitcase full of ARCs, but that will be its own video in a couple of days. I had such a wonderful time in New York, but that’s a story for another day. For now, I give you the books (and new vlogging camera!) I acquired in May. Enjoy!
I’m super happy with the new books I’ve added to my collection, but I’ve also realized I need to take an active stance on not buying any MORE books until I’ve put a healthy dent in the ones I already own. What’s your TBR like? Excessive? Let me know in the comments!
Here a couple more videos I’ve posted this week that never made it onto my blog if you happened to miss them on my YouTube channel!
First, a video admitting to a part of childhood I (apparently) missed out on: I Never Read Animorphs.
Next is a a book haul! I’ve gotten a lot of great new books lately and I am just itching to read all of them. If there are any books in particular from this haul that you’d like to see a review on, be sure to let me know!
I think I’m finally up to date again on sharing my new videos, so we’ll get back to our normal one video per blog post schedule next week. Thanks for sticking with me, and make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel if you want to know when my videos go up right when it happens.
This is a big day for me… because today I am sharing with you my VERY FIRST BOOK HAUL VIDEO! This is momentous for a couple of reasons:
1. It’s my first official “booktube” video.
2. Even though I’ve made bookish videos in the past (ie. book guilt, accio books tag, etc.) this is the first video I am making actively trying to join the booktube community.
3. I have forever wanted to incorporate reading back into my life in a big way. Like I learned with Team Hypercube… if you want to make time for something you love (video games, reading) — make videos about it!
So, a couple things. If you’re not already following my #JulyReading hashtag on twitter, you’re missing out on some awesome inspirational tweets encouragement, and an all around amazing support group for people striving to read every day. Even if you can’t commit to every single day, you should still follow the tag! It’s been a lot of fun so far.
Second is that I have a goodreads account! Follow me there for up to date info about what I”m reading, what I thought, and what’s coming next.
Kristina is a book obsessed, novel-writing, costume-making, project managing lover of all things cute. This blog is a snapshot of a married girl working in the tech industry and living her best nerdy life.