Video: Loot Crate Unboxing!

August 16, 2013 ♥ Posted in: Nerd Topics, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

At VidCon this year I managed to hook up with the people over at Loot Crate — which was a grand decision on my part! I’ll be honest with you. I’ve been at other events that Loot Crate was represented at in the past, and it’s not that I wasn’t interested in it then… but just that at VidCon they were selling My Little Pony Funko Pop! Vinyl Figures. Which instantly attracted me like a bug to a flame. While purchasing said My Little Pony figurine, we started talking, and they welcomed me into their YouTube Loot Crate community. Don’t know what Loot Crate is? Watch the video!

I posted my first unboxing video on my main channel pretty much just to inform people that I’ll be getting these each month, so if you want to catch any subsequent unboxing videos, you’ll want to make sure you’re subscribed to my second channel! I post a lot of casual/supplemental content like this over on that channel, as well as daily vlog type stuff, fanmail videos, and a strange series I call “Questions of the Universe”.

I’m working diligently on getting my Cave Diving/Spelunking video edited… I am so excited to tell you guys all about this crazy adventure I had. That’ll be going up soon, so keep an eye out. In the mean time – what kind of videos would you like to see most from me? I just bought a new handy vlogging camera so I’m playing around with the idea of filming more stuff out and about, which is something I kind of stopped doing for awhile there. Let me know in the comments!




Emma says:

I always love your fiesta movement videos, especially when you did it the first time around, so would love more videos in that kind of style 🙂

Kristina Horner says:

That’s great to hear! I will be going on some more road trips and things in the future so I will be sure to vlog the experience!

Leah says:

I really enjoy your Things I’m Into videos! I love it when you tell us about what awesome stuff you’ve been doing, and I’ve found so many awesome iPhone apps and products because you’ve suggested them. So my vote would be for more of those type of videos.

Though the out and about blogs sound great too since you always seem to visit interesting places and have great stories to tell.

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