1. GlassesShop.com Haul!

    December 13, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Fashion/Beauty by Kristina Horner

    Hello lovely blog readers! I had the pleasure of working with GlassesShop.com recently, and it was a fantastic collaboration! The let me pick out three new sets of glasses to try out their store and I am happy to report that I really like all three of them!

    If you’re interested in checking out this site, you can use the code “KristinaX20” and you’ll save 20% on your own pair of frames! I am extremely happy with mine, and they’re so cheap!

    This first pair is called CouncilBluffs Wayfarer and I got it in blue. I think these are my favorite of the three, but it’s so hard to decide!

    The second pair is called NorthPlatte Wayfarer and I chose green for this set. I don’t like these quite as much as the other two, but they’re not bad for a backup pair.


    I am obsessed with this third pair. I kind of threw these in as a spontaneous last minute decision, but they are so much fun! Most of my glasses frames throughout my life have just been black, so having a pair this bright and exciting is just great. I think it compliments my eyes and hair pretty well, too! These are called RedWing Wayfarer, and I got them in, of course, blue.

    Let me know if you decide to order any new glasses – it’s easy to put in your actual prescription and personally I like having options for accessorizing! Don’t forget to use my coupon code if you do!

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  2. Review of Landline by Rainbow Rowell

    December 11, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Books, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner


    Landline by Rainbow Rowell is one of my favorite books I have read this year. It’s well-written, funny, poignant, heart warming – but go, watch the video! It’s spoiler free so you can watch it even if you haven’t read the book yet.

    This is also a great book for making the jump from YA to Adult fiction, but this one is about a women well into the middle part of her life, but it reads almost like it’s YA. I’m not totally sure why that is (maybe I just really connect with Rainbow Rowell’s writing) but it’s fresh and unique and I really loved it.

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  3. The Whisper Challenge

    December 10, 2014 ♥ Posted in: YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    This video went live on my channel today and am just so excited to share it with people — it’s a collab video I did with Joe, and somehow it ended up being the funniest video I think I’ve ever made. I seriously keep rewatching it.

    I hope more people make videos using this concept because I want to watch them! Hope you love the Whisper Challenge as much as I do!

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  4. December Updates!

    December 9, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Books, Journal, Writing, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    Hello valiant blog readers!

    I have been terrible at keeping this thing updated. I know. Every time I get busy this blog is the first thing to go, but it’s also one of my favorite things I do online! I don’t understand it! I’m gonna be better. I promise.

    Anyway! Here’s what I have been up to since the last time I wrote a blog post, which was… early November.

    The biggest thing for me was – I finished my 9th NaNoWriMo novel! It was a crazy month, with very little time for anything other than writing, but I DID IT. It felt amazing, and here’s my video documentation of the process if you want to know more about what it was like for me:


    I also recently started up a book club on Goodreads if you haven’t heard about that yet. It’s called The Restricted Section and we’ve already got a great group of people involved! Our first book (for November) was Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore (which I loved) and this month we’re reading My True Love Gave to Me, a compilation of holiday themed short stories written by popular YA authors. I can’t wait to dive into it.

    As for this month, I’m currently gearing up for Project 4 Awesome (that’s taking place December 12-13 if you wanna get involved) and then shortly after that is the Christmas BookTubeAThon! I can’t WAIT to find out what the challenges are; I love BookTubeAThon so much. I will likely be making daily videos and shoving everything else on my to-do list way down so I can knock out a bunch more reading before the end of the year.

    It’s also going to be my birthday soon… I turn 27 on the 27th, making it my golden birthday! This will also set my well into my “late twenties”, which is something I am still grappling with, emotionally. Where did the time go? I honestly couldn’t tell you. I was too busy wearing footy pajamas and watching My Little Pony to notice how old I’ve gotten.

    That’s sort of it, for now! I hope you’re all doing well and I will be back very soon with another blog post. Happy December!

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