1. Free Comic Book Day ’15

    May 8, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Books, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    Free Comic Book Day has been a favorite event of mine for years now, and 2015 was no exception. In fact, this was hands down my best Free Comic Book Day yet! I picked up all the standard free comics that looked amazing, but I also happened upon some crazy deals and scored some finds you totally won’t believe. It was wonderful. I went a little nuts, but I have no regrets. 😀

    Did you check out Free Comic Book Day in your own town? What was the best thing you picked up?

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  2. April Reading Wrap Up

    ♥ Posted in: Books, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    I read TEN books in April, which is probably the most I’ve ever read in a single month before. I was so proud of myself for finding time for all of this, and I filmed this wrap up video to tell you all about it!

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  3. Team Hypercube IS BACK!

    May 5, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Games, Nerd Topics, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    That’s right! After a 5 month hiatus (I was so ashamed this morning when I swept the dust off our channel and realized five whole months had gone by) we’ve started regularly filming again as a channel. A big reason we stopped posting videos is because our game capture hardware was broken, so rather than shelling out the cash for a new one… we took a little break.

    We still haven’t replaced that, so console games are still on hold for a little while. But PC games are a whole different story, so until we decide to buy a new game capture system, you’ll be enjoying a rotation of fun and exciting Steam games. You don’t even know. We have so much goodness planned for you.

    In standard Team Hypercube fashion, we’re re-kicking off the channel with a WEIRD Japanese game. I give you…. Hatoful Boyfriend. I don’t even know how to properly prepare you for what is to come, but just know… I’ve been selected as the only human to attend a prestigious academy for birds. And it’s a dating sim.

    Bird dating!? Aren’t you glad we’re back?!

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  4. My Funko Pop Collection

    April 29, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Nerd Topics, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    People have been asking me about this for ages… so I finally filmed it! Here’s a video showing off my Funko Pop collection, where I got the ones I have, and what I am looking forward to from their new releases page.

    I hardly even understand the Funko Pop craze myself, but I love ’em anyway. What is it that draws us to these adorable little figures? Which ones do you have? Let me know in a comment!

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  5. Embarrassing Book Haul

    April 25, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Books, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    Ugh, I said I wasn’t going to buy any more books for awhile, but then this happened.

    I swear, my book fast starts now. Pinky swear.


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  6. 2015 Conventions I Will Be At!

    April 18, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Conventions, Cosplay, Geek Events, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    After realizing I never made videos mentioning I would be at Emerald City Comic Con and SakuraCon this year, I decided something needed to be done. Here’s a video outlining every other event I currently plan to be at in 2015 – though if new events pop up, you’ll want to make sure you’re following me on other social media!

    Are you going to any of these events? Do you know of any other cool conventions I might not have heard about? Leave me a comment!

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  7. April Unboxing Video!

    April 16, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Nerd Topics, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    This month I received Loot Crate, 1 Up Box and Nature Box in the mail – and opened them on camera for this video! I got some awesome stuff this month, so watch the video to both see what I got AND get info on how to sign up with my discount codes!

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  8. Dancing on Rainbows is here!

    April 14, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Nerd Topics, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    Sometimes I watch this video and think “what have we done”. Sometimes I watch it and think “this is a masterpiece of pogo sticks and purple hair”. I flip flop back and forth pretty consistently, but regardless, the Dancing on Rainbows music video now exists – it’s a tangible thing in the world that you can watch, and it was a lot of fun to create.

    For those in the dark, this is the music video that accompanies my web series Job Hunters. Job Hunters is a dystopian roommate comedy about college grads who are sent to fight others like them in an arena 9-5, then forced to live amicably with the survivors in the off time.

    My character Avery is a washed up pop star who tries to make her comeback with a publicity stunt that involves briefly entering the arena — which fails miserably and leaves her stuck in the Maewin system for the rest of the show. This song was her one-hit wonder.

    Job Hunters took up a huge chunk of my life and I learned so much having been part of it. I made life-long friendships, met Joe and learned a lot about myself because of this show. I hope you guys have enjoyed everything we’ve created under the heading of this project, and again, I sincerely want to thank everyone who ever backed one of our two kickstarters for helping make this whole thing possible. If you’re interested in downloading this track or other music from Job Hunters, you can do so here.

    Dancing on Rainbows is bizarre, ridiculous and a little on the crazy side, but it’s fun. It’s Job Hunters. It’s Avery. And I love it.

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  9. SakuraCon Video and Haul

    April 13, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Conventions, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    I recently went to SakuraCon, Seattle’s biggest local anime convention. It’s kind of crazy… I’ve actually known about SakuraCon since I was middle school, and remember wanting to go back then. Somehow that never happened for me, and continued to not happen until THIS YEAR.

    So, come along with me on my very first anime convention experience, see what I cosplayed as and what I ended up doing and buying there. It was a blast – you won’t regret it.

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  10. March Wrap Up / April TBR!

    April 7, 2015 ♥ Posted in: Books, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    Hello lovely blog readers! This is my reading wrap up for the month of March. I read mostly audiobooks and ebooks this month, but there are a few physical books in there. It was a busy month with cosplay construction also going on, but I still managed to read 7 different things!

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