1. October Favorites Video!

    November 4, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Nerd Topics, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    Okay, it’s clearly NaNoWriMo up in here… first a Halloween post and now my October Favorites video? I know, I know. What can I say, I’ve been busy writing a novel! I don’t know what’s come over me, actually. After 3 days I’m already at 10k, double the “recommended” amount – so this is shaping up to be one crazy November.

    But! Today’s post isn’t about writing, it’s about favorites. And the video I made to share them. So here it is!

    How are everyone’s months going? Busy? Cold? Gearing up for the holidays? I’ve been in an inexplicably good mood so far in November, so I really hope it keeps up. Maybe this year will be my best novel yet! Who knows!

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  2. Life Update and Content Digest!

    June 3, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Cosplay, Fashion/Beauty, Journal, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    I’ve been working on so many new things recently – cosplay, getting into comic books, doing more with fashion on YouTube etc. – it’s been somewhat difficult to balance everything I am trying to do all at once. However, I recently attended a “Bloggy Boot Camp” here in Seattle put on by SITS Girls that was hugely motivating and inspiring, so let’s get back on this wagon, shall we?

    Here’s what I’ve been up to.

    1. COSPLAY! Eia and I have been hard at work planning our cosplays for the summer, which currently include a fantasy costume for Faerieworlds in July, and the overly ambitious prospect of 3 different costumes (each!) for PAX in August. We’ve luckily got a fair amount of time to get started on all of these, and what with ordering wigs and things from China, it’s really never too early to start. If you want to follow our progress this summer, we’ve just created a Facebook page where we’ll be posting updates, photos and musings about the whole process. Be among the first to follow it!

    2. READING! Not only have I been inspired to make reading more a part of my daily regimen for Answerly Books, I’ve also made the executive decision to dabble a bit in the BookTubing world on YouTube. I’ll admit, part of this decision was spurred by the jealousy I felt watching people have so much fun at BEA this past weekend, but jealousy is just as valid an emotion to start doing something as any, right? I’ll be starting reviewing YA books, fiction books, and even the sporadic comic book on my channel so make sure you’re subscribed if that sounds interesting to you!

    This Comic Book Haul was sort of my first foray into that new direction on my channel, and it seems to have gone over well.


    3. FASHION! I don’t know when it really clicked for me, but it just did. I think I was looking at old pictures of me from my touring days, and just honestly couldn’t believe anyone ever let me out fo the house (not to mention ON STAGE) wearing the stuff I used to own. Not to say you HAVE to have good fashion sense, or really that I was even doing anything wrong, but let’s be real sometimes I really could have used a little help getting dressed in the morning.

    This all leads me to my point which is, lately I’ve found fashion to be extremely fun and rewarding and I’ve loved finding ways to mix geek with chic (I know, so original) but really, it’s still a new concept to so many people and I love being a part of that journey. A good place to follow me if you’re interested in this aspect of what I do is Instagram. I’ve also done a few fashion haul videos already, but here’s my most recent one:


    That’s all my news for now, though I also put up my standard monthly favorites video if you missed that. Book related favorites have been creeping in more and more to these videos, and if you haven’t noticed, I’ve also recently developed a pretty permanent anime category in these videos. It’s been a year of self discovery, for sure. Revisiting old hobbies I loved from my childhood (anime) and discovering new things about myself I never knew I was passionate about (comic books, costume making, clothes). I’m so happy that it seems my viewers are along for the ride and enjoy whatever I throw their way, and please keep suggesting more things you think I might like! You probably have no idea how often I take your advice.


    Thanks for keeping up with this blog as well, and be sure to check back soon – it may be getting a total redesign in the near future! Exciting!

    Have a lovely day and remember to get outside if you can. Our weather has been beautiful and I have not nearly taken as much advantage of it as I could.

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  3. Anime Musings – for GeekWeek!

    August 8, 2013 ♥ Posted in: Journal, Nerd Topics by Kristina Horner

    For being a self-proclaimed geek of 6 years and counting on YouTube, you’d think I would know more about this GeekWeek thing that’s currently going on – but I’m just as in the dark about it as the rest of you. So while I sit twiddling my thumbs waiting to see what YouTube currently classifies as “geeky”, I took my personal geekdom elsewhere. To Subblime!

    I’ve been casually talking about anime for a few months now, but I’ve never really made it the focus of a video or anything. I’ve never been a daily vlogger because I like keeping some elements of my life to myself, and my love of anime has stayed one of those things for quite some time. But in thinking about what to do for GeekWeek, I decided it was time to come out of the Japanese animation closet. I’m not the world’s biggest anime nerd or anything, but I do quite like it. I had wall scrolls on my bedroom walls as a child. I collected Cardcaptors glossy stickers in a notebook. I used to have a binder full of Sailor Moon drawings I had done. I genuinely took Japanese in school so that watching subbed anime would be more fun.

    I fell out of the hobby for awhile during later middle school and high school (I’m going to blame Harry Potter for that one), only to be reunited in the past year or so when my roommate Justin and I started watching about an anime a month.

    photo (3)

    Meet Kero-chan, or Kerberos – the ferocious lion guardian of the Clow!

    So, if you want to head on over to my Subblime list, I’ve just posted a list of the anime I’ve seen with little blurbs about why I liked them. There’s also a giveaway – enter and you could win a complete season set of Ouran High School Host Club, the anime I am currently watching!


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