That is a tweet from Sunday; one that perfectly encapsulates the weekend I’ve had. Weekends include Mondays when we’re filming. We’ve now completed 18 full days of shooting for Season 2 of my web series Job Hunters (wow!), and I both can’t believe 1. how far we’ve come and 2. how much there is left to do. This was actually our last weekend at the house for this season, and it’s a little bittersweet. I’m going to miss this view.
This past weekend was a LOT of fun, and we shot one of my favorite scenes in all of Season 2. That’s the good news… the bad news is that I am exhausted and bruised and ready for a good long week of sleeping and watching anime – right in time for VidCon!
On that note, rather than slippers, I’ve got my party shoes packed – because I know how crazy VidCon is going to be. I know I will be much too tired and busy to put together outfits while I am there, so I actually packed pre-planned outfits, which is something I very rarely do.
Knowing how many industry parties there are, I realized I needed a couple of fancier outfits, which brought me to packing phase two as I swapped out denim shorts for dresses. I also grudgingly took one of my three pairs of comfortable sandals out of my suitcase and replaced them with heels in packing phase three, and today consists of making sure the recent clothing swaps even make sense. We’ll call that phase four. Oh, and I’ll probably need things other than clothes while I’m down there, right?
Other VidCon essentials:
- Pajamas you’re comfortable running around a hotel in
- Business cards
- Bathing suit, just in case ( is having a great sale right now, 25% off swimwear if you use the code “SWIM25”!
- Makeup, hair stuff, jewelry (somehow condensed to fit in your suitcase)
- Camera equipment, laptop or iPad
- Two phone chargers, seriously. One to keep in purse at all times
- Sharpies for signing or getting things signed
- Making sure tp leave extra room in you bag to bring new things home
I’ve also got good walking shoes for DISNEYLAND DAY, and a special outfit I’ve been working on for Disneybounding. That will be a blog post in itself, so keep an eye out for that. š Any guesses on who I might dress up as? Is anyone else doing Disneybound while at VidCon?
There’s less than 24 hours now before I leave, so this will likely be my last post before leaving for California. Look out for outfit of the day posts from VidCon, wrap ups of the best events, and if you’re attending as well – please come say hi!
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