1. YouTube Video Roundup!

    August 12, 2014 ♥ Posted in: YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    Okay, I’ve been slacking a little on this blog. It’s summer! I’ve been busy reading, traveling, etc. It just occurred to me that I’ve totally forgotten to post my videos on this blog, so here’s a few of my most recents to catch you up (if you’ve fallen behind).

    This is the video that went live today, a little glimpse into the madness that has become my cosplay obsession. My roommates and I have been scheduling weekly work dates to sew costumes, make props, read tutorials, customize wigs, and so on. I thought it would be fun to give a little work in progress before I reveal the finished costumes at the end of the month:


    Then I shared this past month’s favorite with you in a standard recommendation video. These are always some of my favorite videos to make, since I’m always obsessing over new TV shows and app games and products, so make sure to watch it if you missed it!


    And the last video I wanted to share with you for this particular update is a fun little vlog I posted that was much more in my ‘older’ style of videos, musing on the idea of lost things and sharing a few of the items I’ve lost over the years. This one is a tag video, so feel free to make a response if you are so inclined!


    That’s it for now! I’ll be back tomorrow with this week’s installment of Device Theft Awareness Month, as well as a few more video updates over the course of the week (I told you, I got pretty behind but I didn’t want to overwhelm you all in one post). Thanks for reading and I’ll be back soon!

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  2. Device Theft Awareness Month!

    August 6, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Nerd Topics, News by Kristina Horner

    Hello, lovely blog readers!

    Now, I don’t want to bum you out, but I do want to talk a little bit more about device theft. It’s a crappy thing that happens to a lot of people, but I’m partnering once again with Absolute LoJack Uncovered to help educate others on how and why this happens. Over the next month, I hope to help you learn how to take some relatively simple steps in your own life both to A) minimize your chances of device theft and B) make your device easier to track down and protect your identity if it does happen to you. And hopefully not make you fall asleep in the mean time with my stats – because this stuff is super important!


    This past year year, 3.1 million Americans were victims of smartphone theft. To put that in perspective for you, that’s just the number for smartphone theft. Not laptops, not tablets, not even regular phones. I don’t even want to know what that number would be if we took the rest of those devices into account (although let’s be honest, why would anyone steal a flip phone these days?)

    Jokes aside, this is a much more serious issue than you may even realize. Maybe you think your neighborhood is safe enough, so this wont happen to you. That your coworkers are all great people, so you don’t even have to worry. Maybe you just know you’re more careful than those other guys. Of course device theft wouldn’t happen to you.

    But it does.

    With the value of phones and laptops at an all-time high, they’re hot commodities for thieves; easy to turn a pretty penny. But often, it’s not just about the device itself. A cell phone is easy to replace – expensive, but easy. You buy a new one. Likely you already have your info backed up to the cloud, so within an hour, everything is back to normal. Except that your old device contains more than enough information to get you up to your eyeballs in identity theft before you can even blink an eye.

    About a year ago my wallet was stolen and I was totally devastated. The whole first night after I realized it was gone I didn’t sleep a wink, I was up all night worrying. My credit cards, my driver’s license – such powerful tools in the hands of a stranger made me sick with worry.

    When I think about how much more information I have stored on my laptop and phone, I literally feel paralyzed with fear. I think about my choice not to password lock my devices because “it takes too long”. I think about how many websites store my passwords and credit card info. I think about my email inbox, my YouTube channel, my Twitter account. All things someone would have access to if they got their hands on my phone.

    It’s just – it can’t happen. That could never happen to me, it’s too horrible.

    In a world where it’s becoming increasingly more likely that something like this could happen, a program like Absolute LoJack is so, so important. Not only does protecting my devices with their software give me peace of mind, they’re really great about taking a hands on approach to spreading awareness about how to protect yourself and to take precautions, something not nearly enough of us do.


    So this month, I’ll be sharing behind-the-scenes info I’m learning from their Investigation and Recovery Team (which is made up of forensic experts and reformed tech thieves – pretty cool, right?) to give you a better idea of what the inner workings of device theft look like.

    I know it sounds dry, but I’m going to try to make it fun. And hopefully by the end of it, you’ll have learned something as well. Let’s not become statistics. Let’s keep our devices safe.

    Follow #AbsoluteUncovered all month for more tips and stories from other bloggers! And, as a special gift to you, Absolute LoJack has offered a 30% discount to my readers on a 1-year Absolute LoJack Standard or Premium subscription. Just enter the code UNCOVER30 a checkout and the code will be automatically applied to your purchase.

    Disclosure: My partnership with Absolute LoJack includes a complimentary subscription and other consideration. All opinions, as always, are my own. 

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  3. Exclusive Loot Crate Funko Pop!

    August 4, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Nerd Topics, News by Kristina Horner

    Hey blog readers! It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Loot Crate unboxing or even really talked about the company online, but they’ve had all sorts of exciting news lately so I think it’s time for a little blog feature.

    First of all, they announced last month that they’re now shipping to some countries in Europe! The new countries that can sign up include: Ireland, The Netherlands Sweden, Germany & Norway. This adds to the list that already includes Australia, the UK, Canada & the US! So if you’ve ignored any previous mentions of Loot Crate because you lived in one of the aforementioned countries – your day has come. 

    Second piece of big news is that there’s going to be another exciting exclusive in this upcoming month’s box… and it’s of the Funko POP! variety. That’s right – if you’re subscribed to Loot Crate, you will be receiving a Loot Crate only POP! figure that’ll likely become an instant collector’s item, since it wont be available in any stores. They did something similar in last month’s crate with a Rocket Raccoon comic and trust me; it’s already on Ebay.



    I’m personally a huge fan of Funko POP! figurines and I can’t wait to find out what it is. The theme this month is “Heroes”, so I can only imagine it’s going to be something great.

    If you want to sign up for Loot Crate, you can use this link and then type in the code “ITALKTOSNAKES” to save $3! If you decide to join in the fun, let me know in the comments of this blog post!

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  4. Popsicle Etsy Roundup!

    July 22, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Fashion/Beauty, Favorites, Nerd Topics by Kristina Horner

    It’s the heart of summer right now, which means beach days, lazing around in the sun and my personal favorite… POPSICLES! I have always been a popsicle fiend, and recently went on a little Etsy adventure to find the cutest popsicle related things I could. I was amazed at how much there was! Clearly I am not alone in this love of frozen treats.

    Here’s a little compilation of some of my favorites, with links to the stores they came from down below:

    1. EyelashJewelry // 2. FushichosGallery // 3. AlbrightIllustration
    4. pigletminiatures // 5. Ploosh // 6. LushTartApparelShop // 7. acookiejar 
    8. bearandrobotstudio // 9. HappyKawaiiSupplies

    What is your favorite summery dessert? Let me know in the comments!
    And check my previous Etsy Roundup on Sailor Moon here!

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  5. MEGA Clothing Haul – Sheinside, Choies, Dresslink!

    July 13, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Fashion/Beauty, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner


    I’ve had the pleasure of working with a number of different clothing companies recently, among which Sheinside, Choies and Dresslink. These are the three online stores featured in my most recent clothing haul video, the MEGA HAUL!

    Not much else to say about it; click above to see a lot of pretty new clothes and my thoughts on them. Thanks!

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  6. BookTubeAThon 2014!

    July 11, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Books, Nerd Topics, Writing, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    So… I may have done something crazy.

    What could you possibly done that’s so crazy, Kristina? you might ask.

    I may have committed to attempting the Book-Tube-A-Thon starting on Monday, July 14th. For those who don’t know what the Book-Tube-A-Thon is (like me, 3 days ago), all the information about it can be found here. It’s sort of like NaNoWriMo, but for reading. This is scary for a number of reasons, but mainly because I already know I can handle NaNoWriMo, even if I undergo small amounts of insanity in the process.

    But Book-Tube-A-Thon is terrifying. Book-Tube-A-Thon is the unknown. Book-Tube-A-Thon is gonna be GREAT.

    The thing is – writing 1,667 words a day, in a vacuum, is pretty easy. It’s really the challenge of doing it EVERY SINGLE DAY that starts to make you lose your mind. But reading SEVEN BOOKS in SEVEN DAYS? Coming from a slow reader, well, let’s just say it’s going to be a challenge.


    I’ll be announcing my full TBR list in the first video check-in on Monday (oh, did I not mention? On top of reading seven books in seven days, there are also daily videos. With challenges. Sure, no big deal, next week is going to be a piece of cake) so make sure you’re subscribed to my channel if you want to witness the madness first hand.

    I will end this blog post by revealing the first of my seven books, though:


    The Selection by Kiera Cass! I’ve heard nothing but good things about this series, even if most of the people reading it were slightly ashamed by how much they liked it. Not gonna lie, I can be a total sucker for those kinds of books.

    You’re probably wondering, after all this, why I am doing this. If it’s so scary, why do it? Well, I have a few answers for you.

    1. “Because it’s scary” is one of my favorite reasons to do anything. It’s why this year will be Year 9 of NaNoWriMo, it’s why I have a YouTube channel at all, and it’s why cave hiking is one of my favorite new hobbies. Nothing helps you grow as a person quite like attempting something that terrifies you, and coming out the other side a victor. Or, alternately, failing miserably. Both are okay options! Both are good for you!
    2. I’m really pumped on books lately, and the BookTube community seems amazing and welcoming and fun. What better way to try to assimilate myself with them than to tag along on their craziest adventure? I hope they like me. Fingers crossed they like me.
    3. How ELSE am I gonna accomplish any of my reading goals this year when there are so many distractions everywhere? I love the idea of a militant reading challenge. I write the most during November and it really works for me. Why not try the same with reading?

    I likely wont be blogging much (if at all) during the Book-Tube-A-Thon, but who knows. It’s only a week though, so be sure to check back after for my thoughts on the whole experience. And if it sounds fun to you at all… feel free to join in the fun! I’ll be talking about it a lot on Twitter, especially since it’s just perfect for #JulyReading.

    See you on the other side! Two and a half more days before THE CRAZY BEGINS!!!

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  7. NEW Harry Potter Short Story!

    July 8, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Books, Nerd Topics, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner


    A hem. Sorry, I’m quite excited about this news. If you haven’t yet had the pleasure of reading this short story (which came to us in the form of a Daily Prophet article written by none other than good ‘ol Rita Skeeter) pop on over to Pottermore, or click here for a direct link to the text.

    Also, since I started YouTube as a Harry Potter vlogger, it felt only right to film my reaction to reading the new story. I immediately turned on a camera and began discussing my thoughts, which you can watch below:


    What did you think of the story? What else would you like to find out about? Personally, I was a bit affronted at the lack of Draco mentions, but I suppose he wouldn’t be very welcome at a Dumbledore’s Army reunion. I’m sure the Malfoys have a VIP box at the World Cup, though!

    Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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  8. Sailor Moon Etsy Roundup!

    July 7, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Favorites, Nerd Topics by Kristina Horner

    I’m just filled to the very brim with Sailor Moon love lately – from re-watching the old series with my friend Eia to gushing over the release of Sailor Moon Crystal last Saturday… I am on an all time Sailor Moon high right now. What a time to be alive.

    Anyway, in honor of this glorious Sailor Moon resurgence, I thought it might be fun to kick off a new series of blog posts I want to make called Etsy Roundups. I’ve seen a number of other bloggers do these and I always love them to bits, so I think it’s time to pay it forward and feature some lovely artists making stuff on Etsy.

    I spend enough time browsing that site… might as well make something useful of it.

    So here we go! 9 beautiful Sailor Moon inspired items I love and have in my favorites:


    1. FondFawn // 2. hellyeahsweetnsour // 3. theblankwall // 4. YYKawaii // 5. IkaBoushi 
    6. WatercolorPrintShop // 7. ThePaperPonyPlace // 8. TheGr8Pretender // 9. sooyunart

    Have you watched Sailor Moon Crystal yet? What did you think?! Let me know in the comments!

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  9. My First Book Haul

    July 6, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Books, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner

    This is a big day for me… because today I am sharing with you my VERY FIRST BOOK HAUL VIDEO! This is momentous for a couple of reasons:

    1. It’s my first official “booktube” video.
    2. Even though I’ve made bookish videos in the past (ie. book guilt, accio books tag, etc.) this is the first video I am making actively trying to join the booktube community.
    3. I have forever wanted to incorporate reading back into my life in a big way. Like I learned with Team Hypercube… if you want to make time for something you love (video games, reading) — make videos about it!

    So, a couple things. If you’re not already following my #JulyReading hashtag on twitter, you’re missing out on some awesome inspirational tweets encouragement, and an all around amazing support group for people striving to read every day. Even if you can’t commit to every single day, you should still follow the tag! It’s been a lot of fun so far.

    Second is that I have a goodreads account! Follow me there for up to date info about what I”m reading, what I thought, and what’s coming next.

    I hope you like the new video, and happy reading!

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  10. July Reading Challenge!

    July 3, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Books, Geek Events, Writing by Kristina Horner

    Okay so. The July Reading Challenge. This is just a little idea I had yesterday while thinking about making time for reading. I pitched the idea on Twitter and when the reaction was positive, I kind of got carried away with it.



    The premise is simple: Just read every day. But the idea is to really pledge to do it, and to hold yourself accountable for it. I’m organizing a little support group for readers on Twitter, so if this idea sounds interesting to you, join in! Use the hashtag #JulyReading and respond to other readers whose posts you find! Encourage each other, share favorite lines from what you’re reading and recommend books to others.

    I was going to make a whole list of questions to answer each day on twitter, but maybe I’ll do this challenge again sometime with more rigid rules. For this first run at it, let’s just keep it casual.

    Make sure you’re following me on Twitter to follow along – I’ll be asking for check-ins each day, asking questions and sharing what I’m reading. I’d love it if you’d respond as well!

    Let me know in the comments if you pledge to read every day in July. We’re going to get so much reading done!

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