I hope more people make videos using this concept because I want to watch them! Hope you love the Whisper Challenge as much as I do!
The Whisper Challenge
December 10, 2014 ♥ Posted in: YouTube videos by Kristina Horner
Leave a comment! This video went live on my channel today and am just so excited to share it with people — it’s a collab video I did with Joe, and somehow it ended up being the funniest video I think I’ve ever made. I seriously keep rewatching it.
Tags: joe homes, kristina horner, the whisper challenge, youtube video, youtube video collabs
Tomodachi Life Game Review!
June 17, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Nerd Topics, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner
Leave a comment!I got the chance to play Tomodachi Life early, before the game was out to the general public. I really wasn’t sure what to expect, but it’s definitely become one of my new favorite games. It’s so silly and yet so addicting; I just can’t seem to leave it alone. Here’s my in depth review with game footage and everything. Hope you enjoy!
Tags: kristina horner, nintendo 3ds, streetpass games, tomodachi life, tomodachi life 3ds game, tomodachi life game review, youtube video
April Life Update
April 30, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Journal by Kristina Horner
Leave a comment!Hello, lovely blog readers. I’ve been neglecting you and for that I’m sorry. However! I am not sorry for the reasons I’ve been neglecting you, which is a whole long list of fun stuff and projects. So rather than trying to break it down into a whole bunch of different blog posts, I’m just going to do an all-inclusive life update. Here are some of the things that have been taking up my time: 1. Cosplaying! Eia and I had a blast dressing up as Anna and Elsa at Emerald City Comic Con, and we’ve definitely caught the bug. We’ve been hard at work planning more costumes, getting our cosplay Deviantart account ready, and figuring out how this whole crazy community works. Expect much more fun us in the future on that front.
2. I was in LA! I headed down with Joe earlier this month and had such a great time hanging with friends – and the highlight of my trip was absolutely the day we hit up the LA Renaissance Pleasure Faire. It was great to jumpstart faire season early this year and it just gave me the itch to attend as many faires and festivals as I can in 2014. You can bet I’ll be filling you in on my adventures as the summer progresses. I can’t turn down another chance to hang out in costume for an entire weekend.
3. A secret Adventure Time project with Cinesaurus. I can’t say much about this yet, just that when it’s finished it’s going to be AMAZING. I think the plan is to have it finished by VidCon, but I will keep you posted.
4. Another secret project that will be announced tomorrow. Just one day of waiting, I promise! Keep an eye on my website for the details! 5. A total rewatch of all four seasons (and three movies!) of the original Sailor Moon from the 90’s. If you want to follow that adventure, make sure you’re subscribed to updates from my second twitter, MoreKristina. It’s been an amazingly enjoyable thing to do, which is a good thing, being that there’s nearly 200 episodes to get through. We’re about 60 in, so we have a ways to go! As usual I have a few new videos that have been posted since the last time I wrote a blog post. First up is my April Favorites video, featuring a lot of anime and television and misc. nerdy stuff:
And my most recent new video – the TMI tag. This video has 50 questions and answers covering just about everything you never realized you might want to know about me:
That’s about it for now… it’s getting a lot nicer here in Seattle so I’m feeling more motivated to be active. I’m hoping to use that energy for good and start roller blading again, or even dig out my hula hoop and start working on learning hoop dancing. I’m considering making progress videos, so please let me know in the comments if that’s something you’d be interested in at all! How have you guys been? Let me know in the comments, and also, tell me what sorts of things you like to do to stay active when the sun comes out! Have a great day and I’m hoping to start blogging a lot more frequently again, so thanks for sticking around.
Tags: active, cosplay, hoop dancing, hula hoop, kristina horner, nerdy girl blog, roller blading, youtube video
YouTube Video: Embarrassing Old Usernames!
March 11, 2014 ♥ Posted in: YouTube videos by Kristina Horner
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I posted a new video today that I am quite excited about – confessing to your embarrassing old usernames! Many of us did it – we signed up for our hotmail accounts and our aol instant messenger screen names and our livejournals with names we’ve long since tried to forget. But come on – why not laugh about them together? In today’s vlog, I encouraged everyone to come clean about the internet personas they used to use.
Leave a comment telling me yours, or make a video! I’m dying to know I wasn’t the only one with a long list of terrible user names.
Tags: embarrassing old usernames, old usernames, screen names, tag video, what was your most embarrassing username, youtube video
YouTube Video: Being Totally Stuck in Montana
February 14, 2014 ♥ Posted in: Journal, Travel, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner
Leave a comment!This is the final installment in this week’s video series exploring my recent trip to Montana. Joe and I are definitely home safe and sound now, but I wanted to share the whole gnarly experience with you guys. Please let me know if you enjoyed this style of video and maybe I’ll make an effort to make it more of a norm on my channel!
In totally unrelated news, HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! Regardless of your views on the holiday, I hope you manage to spend it with people you love.
Tags: joe homes, montana road trip, st. regis montana, video blogger, vlogger, youtube video
YouTube Video: Let’s Explore: Montana!
February 10, 2014 ♥ Posted in: YouTube videos by Kristina Horner
I am trying something new this week! I am posting THREE videos instead of one, and they’re very much more in the style of video I used to make, which was the “take your camera around with you and film life” instead of just vlogging on a topic in my bedroom.
If people seem to like this (or seem glad I have returned to my roots a bit) maybe I’ll keep doing it!
Either way, you should definitely watch the whole series as I post it this week (the others are going up Wednesday and Friday) to get a first hand account of what went down while Joe and I were in Montana. It was not the trip we thought we were setting out on.
Tags: kristina horner, montana, road trip blog, visiting montana, vlogger, vlogging, youtube video
Video Roundup: Nearly Christmas Break!
December 19, 2013 ♥ Posted in: YouTube videos by Kristina Horner
Leave a comment!Hey everyone! I have really been meaning to write up my second bucket list post (which highlights my recent trip to the Winchester Mystery House)… but I’ve been both sick and distracted with the Project 4 Awesome, so it hasn’t happened yet. I have posted a lot of videos recently, however, so I thought I would tide us all over with a round-up post of all of those in the meantime.
First up is my Farewell video to my Fiesta, Rainbow Dash. I had a good run with the Fiesta Movement, but it’s back to reality now. This video was my way of saying goodbye:
We also started playing Explore the Dungeon Because I Don’t Know (the new Adventure Time game) over on Team Hypercube. We’re only three episodes in, so it’s a good time to jump in on this new series. Not only will we be bringing on special guests to play with us, but it’s the first game we’ve started using picture-in-picture for… meaning you can see a video of us in the corner while we play! It’s a lot of fun so far and I guarantee it’s only going to get better:
We’re also getting dangerously close to WEEK 100 on Dokapon Kingdom, so you might want to catch up so you don’t miss it! Check out Team Hypercube and subscribe, because more things are going to be happening there in the new year. You’ll want to keep an eye on it.
Coming soon on this blog will be my bucket list post, reviews of the two most recent ipsy bags, and a lot of fun outfit of the day posts for the holiday plans I have on the horizon. Thanks for sticking with me and I’ll be back again soon. In the mean time, let me know in the comments who your favorite Adventure Time character is and which one you’d want to play in the new WiiU game!
Tags: adventure time, dokapon kingdom, explore the dungeon because I don't know review, kristina horner, team hypercube, wiiu game review, youtube video
YouTube Video: Ladies Survey
October 22, 2013 ♥ Posted in: YouTube videos by Kristina Horner
Leave a comment!My friend Rosianna is one the loveliest people I know, and she’s tagged me yet again in her annual LADIES SURVEY! It’s a chance for all of us, each year, to check in with yourself and your viewers on what you’re personally doing and thinking about women’s issues both on and off the internet. It always inspires such interesting, insightful discussion and I was happy to take part for the second year in a row:
Just a quick little blog update about this today, but I promise I’ll be back with something exciting again tomorrow!
Tags: female vlogger, feminism, ladies survey, women's issues, youtube video
Unboxing Jetpack Unicorn!
August 21, 2013 ♥ Posted in: Geek Events, Journal, YouTube videos by Kristina Horner
Leave a comment!About a week ago, Joe and I got a package in the mail containing the first two boxes of Jetpack Unicorn. I’m sure you can imagine our excitement, holding the game we created in our hands for the first time ever. It’s a surreal experience, as I’m sure any creator knows – to work tirelessly on a project and then, suddenly, the finished product just… exists. It’s hard to accept that it’s a wholly real and tangible object you can touch and open and eventually sell to other people who will hopefully in turn love and enjoy it as much as you hoped they would.
We took the game up to AFK Tavern, our favorite nerd bar, and we filmed ourselves opening the box. I mean, come on – you can only open the first game you create once in your entire life, so I felt the moment needed to be saved. We went on to play (with real cards!) with a handful of our friends amidst ordering drinks like the Sonic Rainboom and the Still a Better Love Story Than Twilight, and overall the night rated pretty high on my list of favorite nights.
If you’re interested in see our unboxing, I’m embedding the video below. Also, Jetpack Unicorn will be available in stores and on DFTBA.com very soon! I will keep you all informed.
Tags: AFK Tavern, card games, dftba.com, jetpack unicorn, team hypercube, unboxing, wyrd games, youtube video